
Utah in it's finest form...

Well, it's been a few days folks and let me tell ya it has been amazing!  
I felt like a kid in school again soaking up every precious minute of Thanksgiving break.  I cannot remember the last time I had 4 consecutive days off with no where to be but with my kiddos at home!  Thanksgiving was incredible spent with a hubby that had the day off (big deal)!  We were with his family this year and his momma makes a mean meal.  Friday C, G, and I were sicker than dogs and we spent most the day on the couch watching Christmas movies and playing Supper Mario.   Saturday I felt much better and headed out with my Momma B* to get some Christmas shopping in before heading to TANGLED with the ENTIRE family.  (Must Must see movie!)  Then to top it all off I woke up to this winter wonderland which is the perfect kick off to begin the Christmas season.

I love this picture of C.  He and I decorated this train this morning.  He did a great job.  All of the sudden my baby boy is a boy.  And a good one!


1 comment:

Michelle and Brady said...

I loved tangled!!! by the way i Love the pictures my sis took of you guys! Your family is beautiful!