

This was written by my boss at Cirque Lodge.  I found it very touching and thought I would share it with you...

On behalf of the Lodge and our Staff we just wanted to take a moment and give thanks.

In a time when so many are without shelter, we give thanks for the roof over our head. At a time when
so many suffer from hunger and starvation, we give thanks for the bountiful blessings that have been
laid upon our tables. At a time with so much loneliness and isolation we give thanks for our family and
for the fellowship. At a time when so many suffer from a lack of direction or purpose, we give thanks
for opportunity to be of service. And mostly in a time when so many suffer from the incomprehensible
demoralization that is associated with alcohol and addiction, we give thanks to that power greater
than ourselves that has lead us from the devastation. That power that has lead us to each other and to

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

The staff of Cirque Lodge

On this day I am grateful for my family immediate and extended, I am grateful for food, clothing, and a warm home.  I am most grateful for healthy, happy children.  God his good!
Have a great day!


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