
Kids Village Halloween Program

On Wednesday the kids dressed up and did a little Halloween Program at their school.  I as alway thought it was darling and got a huge laugh out of Grace.  If I figure out how to post a video I will.  She sang louder and about a word of from the entire class.  Cash on the other hand knew all the words and was just sweet and handsome as usual. 
Harry Potter
Cuter than the real one if you ask me!

Little Red
I am sad this photo chopped of her shoes she had on the cutest clogs that her daddy bought her.

Grace at her finest

Harry and Little Red

I think G's face is precious in this photo

G and Nan

Cash and his cousin Starli



Jene and Megan said...

Very cute! From the sound of it, I think your Grace and my little Eric would make quite the pair. =)

lindsay ross said...

Cutest Harry I've ever seen. for real

Nicole Christensen said...

Ah, i just love them. I need them in real life, asap.