
Big Girl

 Okay let's be honest this gal has been a "big girl" for quite some time!  I am just an odd duck when it comes to cribs!  I love cribs!  The idea of her not being able to climb out of something is awesome.  Unlike her brother, who never climbed out of his crib, EVER.  Miss G. Started a few short months ago.  She was so excited about her new accomplishment that she was climbing out as early as 5:30am.  Seeing as Mack nor myself are morning people we decided that on her 3rd birthday she would get a "big girl" bed.
The Finished Room

One happy little lady and even happier parents!  She is now sleeping past 7:30am :)  and I am all smiles!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Im so glad Grace is still in a crib, it makes me feel better about that fact that i love Brea sleeping in her crib. She has never climbed out and sleeps great in it, i am dreading the day i have to take her out!!