
Gracie Lou

My little gal is such a trooper!
And a total crack up...
I asked her if she wanted to put some curlers in her hair and she didn't even bawk at the idea. She sat the whole time and didn't even move.  She left them in for hours and then laughed HYSTERICALLY while I combed it out! 
I was certain that I was not going to get a little girl in this life!  Needless to say I got this spit fire and I am so smitten and blessed! 

The Picture of her in my moms vest CRACKS ME UP! 
Next years Christmas card


noelle said...

oh my gosh, that is so hilarious. grace kills me.

Tiff Rueckert said...

Noelle took the words right out of my mouth!

Do you remember a few years ago when I was obsessed with finding the bigger curlers...you can see why! She looks so funny...I love it!

Dana Dastrup said...

They are so dang cute!! Seriously they crack me up!