
let the festivities begin!

July 2nd, 2010

Freedom Gala 2010
The night was amazing. It is neat to listen to all of the people who fought and continue to fight for our freedom. It has been awhile since I have said the pledge of allegiance but there is something so exhilarating about reciting it. Tonight I was proud I felt FREE. May God continue to bless America... Land of the FREE.
What made it even better was that is was a black tie event and I had forgotten and told Mack that a nice shirt, jeans, and boots would be great. He doesn't need a penguin suit to tickle my fancy. I think he is handsome in everything!

July 3rd, 2010

Cash Mom and Dad
Bullock Reunion
July 3rd 2010
Growing up this is the most fond memory I have of the Bullock reunion. Grandma and Grandpa would always bring up KFC we would eat and then spend the rest of the afternoon skipping rocks in the Provo river. I loved seeing this tradition be passed down to Cash and Grace.
Alex and Grace
She love ALUX
Brit Grandma Losee Grandpa Losee
It was these love birds 56th anniversary
What says summer more that a slice of melon
Cash loves watermelon
The rafting group
There were 20 of us including Cash and Grace that rafted down the Provo river.
It had been warm all week and it just so happened that this day was particularly cool and the wind made it even colder.
Needless to say the water was freezing but a tradition is a tradition and it was fun
Cash LOVES pops I would say they are his favorite!
The cousins
It was fun to have them over on the 3rd and light fireworks. It was a bonus because we can see the stadium works from our house perfectly!
They were beautiful!
This little lady does not like the loud noises that come with all of the fireworks so she and I spent most the night with our hands over her ears but the sparklers we a huge hit!

July 5th, 2010
Mommy and Cash
Dad and I
Alex Cash and I
This was really fun and Cash had a smile the whole time. Well, he smiled till we got thrown off! It was a great idea till we were flying into the water and all that was going through my brain was... CASH CAN'T SWIM! But he kept calm the whole time.
Captain Cash
He did so well. Pop let him drive the boat. For being way off his sleep schedule and not getting naps for almost 4 days, he was awesome!
Nat and I
I miss this gal so much!
I miss her hugs, I miss her humor, I miss her face!
I love holidays that bring friends and families back together!



Natalie said...

Love it. So fun seeing you guys. Miss your face.

{notice how I look white as a ghost next to you}

Tiff Rueckert said...

I love her face two! love you both! I'm so glad we got to have fun together!

Chandra said...

Gotta love those Bullock reuions! It's like the only time we ever get KFC! LOL

Dana Dastrup said...

This is a serious question... Does anyone in your fam ever age?? Grandma and Pops and Your dad all look just the same as they did 15 years ago!!

Dana Dastrup said...

This is a serious question... Does anyone in your fam ever age?? Grandma and Pops and Your dad all look just the same as they did 15 years ago!!